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HomeNFT BorrowingNFT Lending
Mortgage(Coming Soon)
The Liquidity Layer
LendSnotra is a P2P lending protocol where owners can loan out their Dynamic NFTs to lenders in exchange for collateral, creating a new way to liquidity in the digital space.
BorrowSnotra is a P2P lending protocol where peope can borrow other people's Dynamic NFTs in exchange for collateral, to open up a new way to liquidity in the digital space.
Mortgage(Coming Soon)
Snotra allows innovative mortgage-based “buy now, pay later” feature that enables users to buy NFTs up to x10 leverage powered by a next generation decentralized perpetual order book market.
SCALE YOUR IN-GAMEMARKETPLACESnotra is focused on bringing the concept of “Liquidity as a Service for NFTs” to the In-Game NFT marketplaces, allowing developers and applications to easily access the liquidity on Snotra Protocol to build their own products. We focus on ensuring easy integration during product development so that it is accessible.
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